What is that I hear while I awake to another day

May it be to the sound of birds chirping…No

Perhaps the sound of my alarm…No

To my dismay it is the coffee grinder

Oh coffee grinder you must be so happy to

Be grinding away freshly the grinds to

Make a hot piping pot of black delicious

Liquid  delight, with a mix of sugar and milk

I can see visions of you dripping in my head

You were once my reason to get up in the

Morning but now you are my enemy a love

Hate relationship I say to you coffee grinder

We will reunite soon after I have strengthen

My love with my First Love my True Beloved

The One Whom rose from the morning first

The One whom will be with me everymorning

Oh coffee grinder do not feel sad do not feel

So abandoned I shall return to enjoy you with

My Beloved soon enough.