Just a thought

Psalms 42:7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

avoid a whole side walk because some lazy dog owner didn’t pick up after their dog. dog-clean-up

Spring is just around the corner in Missouri, after having to avoid side walks of ice to get to the prayer room I now must tip toe around a heap of smelly brown gross S*^t!!!

My nice walk in warm sunny weather is now cove rd in ____ well you get the point.

Um hello your dog just pooped on the curb, if you ran out of bags then drive back and pick it up. I am not a dog owner (this is giving me a good reason not to be). Yes its gross to pick up POO warm and squishy poo. You wanted the dog, now you must actually do all that it is in the duty…haha duty…

picking up after your four legged creature, Yes this means picking up after it has done its duty, that is of course your duty.

Thank you for listening folks

In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director

Alfred Hitchcock quotes (English Film Director, 18991980)

Allow me to paint a picture for you…I have been up since 4:30am worked my prayer room shift at 6am to fallow was 4 hours in the great in doors of an above 80 degree green house sweating bullets  and mud sticking to my jeans, Doc Martins and my odor is fresh from the my deodorant expired smell. I must say having a lunch of deer added its food coma effect to my day….

It’s now a quarter till 1pm and I need to be at the trailer for briefing and smooch off 60 cents for a caffeine fix from good old Pepsi. Yup! I was already wearing my vintage Pepsi shirt why not add to the scene and endorse.

By the way its Passion for Jesus Conference that I’m rushing to go direct. I should treat it as any other FCF service, but the excitement of a three day event that is watched live on web stream then sold in stores is getting to my head and I’m starting to feel like the little beginner that  I am.

The team briefs and prays and heads off to do all that’s needed before they are to be behind the camera. I in the director chair going over the legitimates with the producer of whats happening…band starts, enter Shelly to pray in the opening, worship ext….I’m full of energy not tired from already having a pretty full day.

As I sit in the chair I pray and ask Holy Spirit to help keep me calm and to give me the Fathers eyes to see and hear what He wants me to portray this set.

I have also a new team mate last minute installment on Cam4 who is excited to help and yet very distracted by the high of the conference, sitting next to me. So the quit room where it’s usually just me and the producer has a new pup who needs training in the world of behavior in the trailer 202 cuz in this world 101 gets skipped do to the speed of things.

Everything starts off with out hitch right? HA! Producer counts down to an empty stage “where is the band” she yells. “Sara don’t go yet”. I hear the tech peeps and producer speaking in the com’s. I just wait. 2pm and the band is not on stage.

Ok now everyone is on stage and Shelly begins to pray…UM sound…LOL!!! yup no sound for the first few sec…01_car_accident

Now I’m off smooth and clam and just ready to use some new Cam3 (jib) (its the long neck cam) moves I saw him do in the practice time. I feel like I got the tempo. Mixing shoots accordingly and with the timing of the band. So the first half of the worship is going great.

Then out of no where I get side swept and got hit by a live cut, then I take shoots that I don’t call and Cam1  is moving live and then Cam2 is in space as I call Him to give me a wide Cam4 is as well out in the space world and is not giving me shoots when called. But with a quick pat and ” It’s ok, just move on” from a calm producer. I was once back to clean up mod and being a little more aggressive to calling my shoots to the Cam opps.

Now I know I am just learning and well what better way then on the job. I am still a little hard on my self and see that I as well can be caught up in the excitement of it all and not see the car coming at me if I’m allowing the things around me to distract me. So I will just need to brush it off and as my roommate said “Good thing your in training”.

I found this video below that will  show a little humor to how I felt…It’s starts off pretty chill, you’ll see what happens. By the way it involves a celebrity as well I won’t say who. But I just hope today in the filming of the conference I will be in better shape.

Two weeks away from a BIG 28….

Ugg….I thought turning 26 was but i’m yet on two years away from a whole new generation 30. But I figure I will let you all now my birthday wish.

My Christmas wish list was a hit and well if you don’t ask you don’t receive . So as I continue to encourage myself to dance the 28 dance here is a simple list of wants….funny_birthday_comment_05

1. A messenger bag (there’s one at the High grounds Cafe that I like)

2. Target gift card.

3. Barnes and Noble gift card

4. itunes Gift Card

5. Movies

6.  Support monthly

7. Dinner out (not a fast food place)

8. I trip to a museum.

9. Other_____________________what ever you want.

Ok there it is…feel free to e-mail me at sarapuma24@hotmail.com if you feel like giveing…

I thought this was pretty cool and well if it’s not totally the all time WORD of the LORD then its cool too. Cause I think it helps remind us that God “Still” is I AM.
The Word of the Lord for 2009: “STILL”
Dennis Cramer
Dennis Cramer


Yearly predictions can be a very touchy subject. Yet the Lord has given me a “word” for you to consider. I personally believe it’s a pretty accurate word.

The word of the Lord for 2009 is “STILL.” That’s all – just the word “STILL.” However, as you will read, it’s a very, very powerful word. It is a “now” word that will empower you throughout 2009 and beyond!

I personally guarantee each and every one of these “predictions” for 2009! I predict that:

1. The Bible will STILL be the eternal Word of God – forever settled in Heaven!

2. Prayer will STILL always work!

3. The Father will STILL be sitting confidently on His indomitable throne!

4. Jesus will STILL be the Way, the Truth, and the Life – the only means by which you may access the Father!

5. The Holy Spirit will STILL be our Comforter – comforting you from the inside, out!

6. The Church will STILL be “the pillar and ground of the truth” manifesting the wisdom of God!

7. Healing (for spirit, soul, and body) will STILL be in His wings!

8. The Gospel will STILL be the answer – whatever the question!

9. His grace will STILL be all-sufficient and our strength, whatever the task!

10. The gifts of the Spirit will STILL change lives – instantly, radically, and permanently!

11. You will STILL be God’s most prized possession – His cherished son or daughter!

12. Heaven will STILL be wonderful, hell will STILL be horrible!

13. “By faith” will STILL be the only way for you to live.

14. You will STILL be “more than a conqueror in Christ” – victory is imminent!

15. Sowing will STILL result in reaping! So keep sowing!

16. God will STILL “always cause you to triumph in Christ!”

17. The love of God will STILL be in your heart – and nothing can separate you from it!

18. “All things will STILL work together for your good” – as you do His will!

19. You will STILL “be the head and not the tail” – blessed when you go out, blessed when you come in!

20. The devil will still, still, STILL, be a big-time loser!


Happy New Year!

Dennis Cramer
Dennis Cramer Ministries

grinch-stole-christmas41 This year was a first for me away from home. Having only friends around me so I was not alone, but not family with traditions, comfort and love that makes spending holidays at home great. It didn’t help that my parents and sister did not call on Christmas or New years. I got a card from my mom with a little something inside. Deeply thankful. Yet I was missing that connection of family. My mom is really all about family yet it was funny to see how she let her business of her work be an excuse to not be there for me. I called that week and opened the door for her to call me on the day off on Christmas to catch up. My father was never one to stay in contact with anyone sept his mother which grow really only the last few years. My sister is M.I.A. Nothing not a call not a card just a cold shoulder.

It didn’t help that I was seeing my housemates aroundme were getting Christmas cards like everyday or even a package with goodies.

I helped open some while they were gone encase support money came and it did, I a huge blessing that I was really truly happy for them. But after awhile I was getting discouraged that I was not getting anything. (I got 3 cards that I am thankful for). Plus I only got one response from my Christmas wish list.

I am not trying to play the feel sorry for Sara card, NO WAY! If anything I want to let people out there who I KNOW HAD LESS THEN ME. Hear out my lessen during this season as (I feel I only did a half job doing in seeking the Lord) found that I had to high of expectations of what I wanted from people and not high enough expectations of what GOD THE ALMIGHTY has for me.

I put my hope in man and well when you do that you get burned. What a fool I was when there is a God who has shown me time and time again He will never forsake me or leave me with out LOVE, JOY and PEACE in what ever time of year.

I also was reminded that the ultimate gift was not support money, packages of goodies. But the ticket out of hell, Jesus death on the cross. When I deserve hell I  instead  get to live in eternity with Him in Heaven.

new-year-res It’s 7 days into the new year of 2009 and well it feels like the rest of the year. I don’t remember having a resolution for 2008 and I didn’t make one for this year. I’m kind of over trying to set my self up for this whole expectation one time of the year to quit something unhealthy or do something new to be healthy. Besides I feel as a Christian I am changing everyday and doing things to better my life.

We fast all the time whether it’s food, negative thoughts or even behavior. So adding one more responsibly to a already packed way of life sounds a little ridiculous to me. I give props to the peeps who need this extra encouragement to rid their life of negative things or to add positive things into their life. I hope many turn their mundane, boring Christian walk towards Jesus (because God is not boring we are) and for those who don’t believe in anything accept Jesus into their lives. 2009

2008 was full of many firsts for me which was way cool.

I Voted my first Election.

Lived away from home.

Celebrated 4th of July as an American.

Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas away from family.

For me this new beginning of the year is excited cause I am coming up to an end in my first semester of being a MA and will be moving on to being a MA2 and starting up fresh in new projects and seeing what I will be doing as a good steward in what time God gives me out side the MA program. I also want to be able to write more about my life as a MA for this is why I began this blog. For you who don’t know what MA means it’s Media Apprenticeship. So if you want to consider this a new year resolution that’s cool with me.

As some of you know I live in Kansas city, but am originally from California. This is my first Christmas away from my family and state Cali. I love my new state Missouri A.K.A misery for a good reason. Its cold and icy. missouri-winter So as i think about it more and more I think it would be nice to be some where else. Maybe not Cali, I did grow up there and there are plenty of other places to see lets say Tahiti. I speak french and have always wanted to go.tahititahiti-22 Look at that clear blue water and you live in huts…way cool!!!

Another rad places i would love to go (and yes my theme may be a little endless summer) BUT ITS MY DREAM…..

Is Fiji yes those little Islands forgot amongst the land masses of New Zeland and Australia.

fijifiji2Ah yes the warm breeze over wind chill of frozen, Shoveling sand to make sand casetles instead of sore backs from moving slushy cold snow. I would take that over being in a state of muddy water and bone chillian nights.

Don’t get me wrong i am very thankful for the home God has placesed me. I just thought I could pray for a more sunny warm beachy Christmas instead….

Merry Christmas to all and may you all stay warm where ever you are….

I came across an old prayer of a Danish pastor named Kaj Munk, which I thought was pretty cool. Munk was an outspoken priest and playwright who uttered these prophetic words before he was killed, with his bible next to him, by the Gestapo in January 1944.

What is, therefore, our task today? Shall I answer. “Faith, hope, and love”? That sounds beautiful. But I would say–courage.

“No, even that is not challenging enough to be the whole truth. Our task today is recklessness. For what we Christians lack is not psychology which comes from the knowledge of God and humanity. The ability to rage when the lie rages across the face of the earth…a holy anger about the things that are wrong in the world. To rage against the ravaging of God’s world. To rage when little children must die of hunger, when the tables of the rich are sagging with food. To rage at the senseless killing of so many, and against the madness of militaries. To rage at the lie that calls the threat of death and the stratgy of destruction peace. To rage against complacency and seek that recklessness that will challenge and seek to change human history until it conforms to the norm of the Kingdom of God. And remember the signs of the Christian Church have been the Lion, the Dove, andthe fish…but never the chameleon.”

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