So it is has been 2months since I have moved. I did not how ever find a place to live with my Cat (Pimpernel), He is in Iowa. Why, did I allow myself to love this cat? This cord eating, coach scratching cat, with long hair who talks to you when he is hungry…All for what just to give him up. I didn’t even want him to begin with, my housemates and land lord did.

Now I miss him dearly. Why Iowa?  A friend of mine parents have a farm and means space to have cats. Mine loves to catch mice and hunt so he will be paying his way while living there the first week we got him he caught a mouse while i was awake in the other room I was so proud). They are only keeping him till I find a place to live that is cat friendly. I able to call the dad whenever and get up dates on how Pimpernel is doing.

How do I go from not even wanting the cat to now missing him dearly, well Pimpernel was not like any other cat I have ever meet. He is a Love bug, even if he didn’t like to snuggle but he wasn’t a fighter. Mellow, calm, talker, greater, and well he claimed me has his favorite. Pimpernel was the type of cat that would allow me to pet his hair the wrong way, tease him, cuddle him and well flat out let him wash him in water and never claw, bit, and run away. He would run and greet me at the door and let me run my hand on his belly (and we know that cats aren’t belly rubbing lovers) Pimpernel was. Plus he doesn’t like dogs which I do not like dogs as much either.

Here is Pimpernel sleeping next to me while I am reading in bed

He heard something fall when I was taking the pic here

One of the updates is there is a prissy female cat who is picking on my little love bug, so Pimpernel runs and hides in the the barn prayer room that the family has on the farm and stays there. The Dad said he has decided to put the cat box in there since pimpernel likes it so much in there. Just like me Pimpernel is hanging in the prayer room. I find it awesome.

Pimpernel managed to get a place in my heart and now I miss him dearly I want my new place to be cat friendly.

Do you have a cat or animal that you miss or are loving dearly right now….