Ok So I know it’s been like forever since my last blog… I will get to that the next blog to come…

What brings me  to blog now is a News article I read this week that makes me cringe on where we are going as a society to save animals.

I have nothing agents animals and all that the PETA people do or Treehugger people do for that matter to save animals.  It’s when scientists say dolphins should be granted HUMAN STATUS. That my friend is where I draw the line. In Spain the Spanish Parliament have already granted “human right’s to the great apes”.

Here below is the link to the article…


Why? is it that this little article getting me all upset. I’ll tell you why cause HUMAN BABIES IN THE WOMB are not even given the same inalienable rights that we humans give ourselves.

Hello does this not ring any bells of how wrong it would be to give an animal of a different species any equal rights as humans when we don’t have LAWS that protect our own babies…um yea just plan stupid to me…

Even I who watched the movie “The Cove” (a documentary on the killing of dolphins in Japan) still think we should spend more time an effort to save the voiceless babies in the womb…

So dolphins are intelligent, warm blooded, and fun. But human babies are our own species a LIFE no matter how small.

Right now in Houston, TX Planned Parenthood is building the 2nd largest abortion facility in the world. It will be located right in the center of 4 minority neighborhoods – one Black American and the other 3 Hispanic. Now is the time for the minority voice to lead the nation in justice once again.

Also I have here below a a trailer for a movie called “Blood Money”

I am just putting in my two cents, but I will stand for human life and the rights of those unborn and voiceless HUMANS…..