Massachusetts has already voted for legalizing same sex marriage. Which means the school boards now teach about same sex issues to children as young as five. California is next to choose to protect the sanctity of marriage or allow same sex marriage. Below is a family who has already been effected by the choice in Massachusetts.

Click the link and see….

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Today while filming Praying the News I heard a story which griped me. One that in the past i would have been quick to Judge and wanted to lock away the evil person. My action this time was to cry out to God “mercy, mercy,mercy Father God over this father who killed his daughter over her faith in You”. We as Christians are out in the world watching the news and most likely grieving the Spirit and just allow our selfs to be angry or depressed about what we see. We think we can’t do anything to change whats happening or TV is gone bad cause all it shows is bad news. Have we ever thought to take what the enemy wants to use as evil and turn it to good. Maybe praying for the murders, natural disasters, economy, ext… Pray to see Gods glory in the mist of darkness. God will hear those prayers just the same as He hears us CRY OUT FOR MONEY.

I say this as well my brothers and sisters because you will feel much better after watching the news and asking the Holy Spirit to guide your heart in what matters to pray in. Joy will fill your heart and the news will be a tool against the enemy. So try it some time. I did and I was feeling like I had did mighty work for the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Get your Bibles out from under the couch and pull scripture out to pray to our Father in heaven.

Below is the story I was praying over……

A Saudi Arabian Muslim father cut out his daughter’s tongue and lit her on fire upon learning that she had become a Christian. The child became curious about Jesus Christ after she read Christian material online, the Gulf News reported. Her father read of her Internet conversation, detached her tongue and burned her to death “following a heated debate on religion,” according to an International Christian Concern report.

The father is employed by the muwateen, or Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. The muwateen are police tasked by the government with enforcing religious purity. The man has been taken into custody, and his identity has not been released.

The ICC pointed out the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has reported textbooks at the Saudi Arabian government school in Northern Virginia teach, “It is permissible for a Muslim to kill an apostate (a convert from Islam).”

Saudi Arabian oil money is used to export Wahabbism – a version of Islam said to be least tolerant toward non-Muslims – to other nations, including the U.S., ICC notes. ICC president Jeff King said, “Saudi Arabia has to treat Christians with the same respect that it wants Muslims to be treated in other countries. It has to stop exporting hate and persecution against Christians in other countries.”