I am in need of finding a place to live with my Cat pimpernel (yes I have a cat and I have yet to talk about him, I will soon) by the end of April. So as I search for a place to live, I come to find some places just plain Scary. As well as just plain wired.  My options look slim when looking at market with high rent when I make like less then a lot of money and that I am looking for a home with a cat…below are some pics I found of some homes I found while looking for my new home…

Well this home looked really "A'pealling" but the raw fact of being sticky was just gross and the rotten thing was they want me to pay way to much....

I am all for the environment but i don't think I am ready to that green just yet

I am all for the environment but i don't think I am ready to that green just yet

I may be single but this is still a little to small even for me...

there is this place...really cheap, I can touch it up with a little paint, then I saw a few extra things i may have to share the living space with...all 10,000 little things. I looked at pimpernel and He was like "I an't eating all those"

I like this possible new home....nice veiw, land, no one around to bother me, fresh air, I think it might be to far from the prayer room with out a car...