This is a statue in my home town of Cardiff, peeps tend to dress it for the holidays, I think this person was saying, “Jesus died for the surfers too”…or “Surfers need Jesus”…or “Jesus is the best surfer”, maybe even saying “He will ride a wave of glory when He returns for His bride”…even if this person didn’t believe in Jesus, he sure still made a lot of peeps think about Him on Easter….

img_0049As my first week back from being in Cali…for 14days wares off in the realty that is my world. I have felt a weight lifted of my shoulders as the spiritual atmosphere I have grown to love seeps back in and detoxes me from the world I left behind. I feel as though I have been in a dream for the last few weeks and have woken back up in praise to God that I have my eyes removed from the scales of the CALIFORNIA DREAM. Paradise my friend cost a small fortune maybe even your soul.

I could here Jesus saying:

” The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2)

Yes, the Church in Cali is growing in the youth that are tired of the spiritual oppression that has weeded itself in new age bale and jezebel worship. The body is growing in the area of intersession people wanting to stand in the gap for mercy over California. Being a state that a majority of the youth 18-35 voted No on prop8 and then just snuff out the laws for ending of abortion; we need laborers willing to go out and spread the gospel. It is time for California to repent Gods judgment is coming and well I would hate to see what it looks like with out the people standing in the gap.

I so wanted to be on a soap box crying out to the people “wake up, the kingdom of God has near you; don’t let it pass you by”. I am reminded that I still must be patient in Gods timing to peoples call to repentance.

I could see in the eyes of people who love me they wanted me to stay longer or just plain move back. As much as I love them I feel if I were to go back now it would be in vain and to soon. I discern that even though here in the green house of God I am strong and confident, but when I was home it just showed me how weak and well overconfident I was still in areas that I need to still grow in.

Once again though I was tempted by the enemy of gifts and money; Free rent, job and family and friends. Sell my inheritance for a bowl of soup…NO THANKS… Plus I was just shown where I still judge people for where they are and I think I can save them..WELL!!!! Nope That’s not my job. Someone else (Jesus) died on the cross who saved all of us from our sins. I always want to speed the process of peoples growth with God.

Some highlights of my trip…My sister came to Christ…WOOP! WOOP!!!! That right folks my sister has Christ in her heart. “Praise God” He is so amazing…On Easter day by the way, the day Christ was raised from the died. Yeah!! He’s alive. It was cool to see because I saw the gift of salvation be given to my sister and witness a heart change. Which reminded what God has done in my life. With love He as changed me which I can see the reflection of Christ through me, in which people see and want in their life.

I was experiencing as well an apt to become an irritating dictator to others, instead of active, living disciple. Unless the worker lives a life that “is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3)

I was a dictator, dictating my desires to my sister and my parents even my Friends. But Jesus never dictates to us in that way. Whenever our Lord talked about discipleship, He always prefaced His words with “if”, never with the forceful or dogmatic statement…”You must.” Discipleship carries with it an option.

I wanted to start feeding my sister in the way she should learn about God and live for Jesus…Once again when looking at how Jesus does it, we seem to be hit how far we still are from keeping our wants, desires and needs in our discipleship. All I can do is walk my life and be a good witness.

Being in Cali made feel as a stranger invading the territory. Invading the way of life people have so come to think is true I felt like maybe how Jesus felt when its said “a prophet will have no honer at home.” Its an area I still have a little hurt in but thanks to God and His love He is healing those wounds.

Over all I thought may trip was fruitful in many ways other then above. It opened my eyes of areas I was blind in as well as was deceived in.img_0028


TheCall California – November 1, 2008

Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego

10am – 10pm

They came like waves crashing onto the shores of California. Leaving behind a legacy of glory and apostolic influence, great manifestations of the power and love of God broke in on past generations of hungry saints. Waves of God’s great presence cascaded upon her shores in 1906, 1919, 1947, 1948, 1967, 1971, 1980, and 1994. These waves are California’s revivals. In the midst of unspeakable decadence, corporate greed, cultural trend setting, and global pornographic exportation, there lies deposited deeply below California’s crusty surface gold-there’s oil in her hills. Something continually draws God to the scene. Could it be that God is drawn to her pain? Maybe God sees her shores as hosting planet’s lost prophets with misplaced passions or maybe he is drawn to the cry of her wandering masses. Whatever be the case, He comes, and when he does, the entire world is changed. The tongues of fire that erupted at Azusa have lit up the world. The revivals sown in Hollywood loosed great evangelists like Bill Bright and Billy Graham. The Jesus Movement gave us Calvary love songs that have kissed the youth of the globe. The new wine of worship and healing came from California’s vineyards. These ancient songs awaken us from our nightmare and remind us something that was and can be again. Hollywood, the “woman at the well”, could become the great evangelist again in these last days.

In 1946, Franklin Hall launched a fasting and prayer movement out of San Diego with a book called Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer. Thousands were stirred to enter into extended consecration fasts. Shortly after, the great healing revival broke out in 1947, followed by the campus revivals, and the Hollywood revivals in 1948. In the very same year, across the globe in the heart of the middle-east, by God’s divine mandate Israel was again called a nation. Could there be that there was a connection between what God was doing in California and the orchestrating of His divine purposes in the creation of the nation of Israel? Is it possible that the outpouring of God presence and the igniting of prayer in California were in reality connected with God’s heart to birth an entire nation? I believe it was global Joel 2 moment in which the scripture promises that after the fast, God would restore the land and pour out his spirit on all flesh. I hear TheCall again; “Gather the people, call a fast, and afterwards I will pour out my spirit.

Now 50 years later, California sits within a fog of Jezebel confusion. Recently the Supreme Court of California disregarded the votes of the people and legalized homosexual marriage. The entire world listened attentively as the mayor of San Francisco boasted, “As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. Its inevitable, this door is wide open. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. This is the future, and its now.” The world is looking to California for moral leadership while California finds herself caught in the snare of idolatry and self-worship. Recently I received an urgent call on behalf of hundreds of pastors admitting that California wouldn’t be saved simply political petitioning and confessed the reality of an ongoing spiritual battle within the state and the need to mobilize for mass fasting and prayer. They asked us to bring TheCall to San Diego, not knowing that we received several powerful directives from the Lord a year ago that TheCall was going to go to the stadium in San Diego.

This bill mentioned is a reflection of how far down the line we have come in removing the very moral foundations that preserve society. The moral levies in America are breaking and once marriage is redefined, it will be a matter of time before the entire structure of morality collapses within our nation. In one sense, this bill mirrors our own inward moral concessions as a church to the prevailing culture, and it is the fruit of a compromising silence that has failed to confront the rising spiritual and political contenders. But it is not too late! This is not a time for hiding in caves. This is a time to resist mightily the spirit of peaceful coexistence and apathetic resignation in the face of this prevailing darkness. We are coming to a Mount Carmel moment, which I believe could be the church’s finest hour where she challenges her own compromise and then gains authority through prayer and action which is her true vocation. Then our light will break forth like the dawn and truth will no longer be trampled under the feet of renegade kings and judges. The church is not at the mercy of political decrees of destruction. Jesus is the Lord of history! Though these decrees stand today, they will not stand forever. God is the one who reverses the edicts of man, using the church as an agent of righteous revolution to displace kings and overthrow their decrees through the weapons of fasting and prayer.

Therefore, we are summoning believers from all across the state of California and the nation to gather for a Joel 2 moment. When there is no remedy, when there is no natural hope, God still has a holy prescription. Blow the trumpet in Zion, gather the people, and call a fast. Let the believers of this great state gather and cry out to God believing that California could become the flash point of real change in America not the open door to societal collapse. Let us return to the fasting praying womb in San Diego and seek the face of God on November 1st, 2008 at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, CA.

Prop. 8 is much more than about marriage!

The way you vote on Nov. 4, 2008, will change your world!

Prop. 8 is a ballot measure that will place into the California Constitution language that says “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.”

You need to know how Prop. 8 will impact your…

  • Rights – Prop. 8 protects the right “rights.”
  • Kids – Prop. 8 protects children.
  • Churches – Prop. 8 prevents reverse discrimination against churches and other centers of worship.
  • Education – Prop. 8 prevents unbalanced pro-gay indoctrination in public schools.
  • Public Health – Prop. 8 protects and strengthens society by promoting traditional marriage.
  • Faith – Prop. 8 protects freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
  • Society – Prop. 8 prevents the slow crumbling of civilization if marriage is redefined.

The background:

  • On January 1, 1999, California enacted a domestic partnership registry. By 2007 domestic partnerships were allowed virtually all the same rights and responsibilities as marriages. [2]
  • In March 7, 2000, 61% of California voters passed Proposition 22, to keep marriage between a man and a woman. [1]
  • This spring, nearly 1.2 million signatures were collected all over California, qualifying Prop. 8 for the ballet. The measure said the proposition “amends the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” [3]
  • On May 15, 2008, four judges overturned the will of voters and said same-sex marriage was a “right.” [4]
  • In July 2008, state Attorney General Jerry Brown changed Prop. 8’s title and summary of the measure. The biased new language now says that Prop. 8 would “eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry.” [5]

What happens next is up to you. Vote on Nov. 4! Vote Yes on 8!

The collective wisdom of human history, not to mention biology, and logic, shows us that marriage is designed to be between one man and one woman.

Me and my friend spent all night working on the blooper it became the final product and first Laughlivemedia Production Short Short film….Enjoy

God send revival to California have mercy on California…